hi vape fans, this is grant with mt bakervapor, and i'm going to teach you how to build a 26 gauge parallel coil today. alright, sosome of the things you're going to need, you're going to need screwdrivers, mini screwdriver,preferably a 564th because that's what we're going to be building on today. make sure thatyou get a phillips or flathead or whatever your rda is going to take. we're also goingto be using some kanthal, 26g here, as well as a pair of precision pliers, precision snips,some wicking material, good old fashioned drill, and your juice. so the first thingthat you're going to want to do is straighten your kanthal. the key to a good parallel coilis going to be nice straight wire. and if you don't already know how to do that, allyou have to do is get out your drill, put
the lead in the chalk here, just like so,and tighten it down. make sure it's nice and tight so you don't get wire flying everywhere.you're going to grab the other end with a pair of pliers, and all you're going to dois drill. what this is doing is it's straightening the kanthal so that when you go to build yourparallel, they will line up nice and straight with each other. so, once you've got yourtwo pieces of kanthal nice and straight, we're going to go ahead and line them up so thatthey're parallel with each other. hence the name parallel coil. you're going to take your564th bit here or screwdriver, whatever you're wrapping on, it doesn't matter. all you'regoing to do is get it lined up just like that. it's really important that they stay parallel.so what i like to do is hold it down here
in between my two fingers, and hold thosetwo wires parallel so that they don't ever cross. now we're just going to go ahead anddo four wraps. one, two, three, and four. so, notice how they're spread apart. they'renot totally tight wrapped with each other. that's okay, we're going to fix that. as longas none of those wires are overlapping we're good. so once that point is done we're goingto take the top cap off our rda, in this case i'm using a stillaire. get it lined up likei said, it's important to keep these lines parallel and that goes for when you insertthem into your posts as well. you want those wires to stay parallel with each other. goahead and insert one strand, or side of the lead, and then the other side. so, we're goingto double check. this is where the pliers
come in handy. we're going to double checkand make sure that these wires are parallel and not crossing each other. i don't knowif you can see down in there, but they are parallel. so we are good to go. so, the nextstep i'm going to push this coil as tight as it will go up to the posts here, and theni'm going to go ahead and tighten them down. now this may not be your final tighten becausewhat we're going to do, i'm gonna show you in a few seconds here. we want to make surethis coil is nice and tight. so we just want to drag straight back, putting just a littlebit of pressure on it, on both sides so it's even throughout the coil. push it back, pinit down a little bit, until we get the shape we want. one thing to remember with thesecoils is that sometimes the coils will separate
from each other, because you do have two strandsof wires in here. so, what you want to do first is cut your leads after you've tightenedthe coil. let me get back there and snip our leads off. as soon as we pull this screwdriverout of here, we want to be ready with our pliers to pinch that down, and that will preventthose coils from coming apart from each other. so i pull this down, immediately give it afire, and we're just going to gently pinch it together. we don't want to pinch too muchotherwise we'll get our coils overlapping and that won't be good either. as you cansee we're firing pretty nicely there, going from the inside out, and that's what we liketo see. so the next step, obviously is going to be wicking. i like this material here,this is called rayon. it's a cellulose fiber
so no acrolein or any of that in your vape.so now that we have our wick, we're going to go ahead and roll it up a little bit andjust kind of form it. we don't want it to be tight, we don't want to spin it too tightlyexcept for at one end. that one end is going to give us a nice point so that it's easyto thread through the coil. we have our coil, we have our wick, and all we're gonna do isjust stick it right on through there. it helps if you twist while you're pulling. that'sgoing to be the best way to get that wicking in there. so once you've got it in there andit's not too snug and not too loose, we're going to go ahead and clip the excess off.leave a little bit more on one side than you do the other. so now you have a wicked coil,but you don't have any juice. so we're gonna
put some juice on this bad boy. putting juiceon a dry wick when it's out like this is also going to help you get that wick into position.it's going to act like an adhesive holding the wick in place. since we have a littlebit of juice on there, you can see how easy it is to get that rayon down in there. alright,i'm going to drop a little bit more juice on here just to make sure and lets see howshe fires. i'd say pretty well. after that, all you've gotta do, put your top cap backon, make sure your air holes are lined up and you're good to go. alright, lets giveher a vape. pretty nice. so that's it for the 26g parallel coil. hope you learned alot. if you have any questions or comments go ahead and put them in the comments sectionbelow. we'll see you next time. vape on!