vape channel party, wait a minute! who farted?that's gross! what's up everybody? just got back from my party. welcome to vape channel.this week’s episode i got a special guest , spoon dog. what’s up mother *u*kers. thisweek i got a special request and few emails about some articles that have been circulatingonline. like this... this is regarding some things that a few juice companies have beenputting in their e-liquids that they definitely should not be putting in. so, i'm going totell you a. what they are b. why you should avoid them and c. because i love you. thefirst one i want to talk about is , i don't know if its dacetyl or dacetal, here its dacetylin america, but if i was europe its would be called aluminum. what is this stuff? thisis the same stuff they put in movie butter
popcorn. you've ever gone to the movies andthen you eat so much popcorn you wanna poop but you can't because your stomach hurts sobad? that's what’s in this stuff. now, you can put it in movie butter popcorn and passit through your system, what you can’t do however is vape it. because if you inhaleit, it goes in your lungs and it has nowhere else to go. the reason we got into vapingin the first place to make ourselves healthier , to make ourselves feel better, not makeit worse. so if there is a company out there that’s using diacetyl ask them if they areputting that in their juice and if they are do not use it. for any juice company out theredoes use it, i will say this if you can’t make juice and i know your trying to makea buck, please find a better way to do this.
were here to help people not hurt them. dactylor dactyl, ok let's call it the d word. the d word has been responsible for people needinglung transplants. that’s not why we got into this. the way you can tell is if youhave a juice, its in a lot of custard flavors, its in allot of desert flavors, its in a butterscotch.i'll tell you a quick personal story, back when i started vaping about 5 years ago, ihad the single best butterscotch flavor i had ever had in my life and it was was so good , the vendor was charging $50.00 for a 30-mil bottle. how can you tell if havethis stuff, its buttery, its creamy and it does taste good but its too good to be trueask your vender. if your vendor is using it, you don't want them to be your vendor muchlonger. the reason i brought this one up first
is this is the single most important thingthat you do not want in your juice. the next one is pretty simple , alcohol. alcohol, alcoholin your juice! i for one do not want alcohol in my juice. ya, man lets get drunk! one wayto know that you alcohol in your juice is look on the label. a lot of venders, if theyput it in there , they have no problem telling you. another way to tell is it tastes veryharsh. your throat hit is going to be humungous, you chest hit is humungous. now if you doa high level of nicotine its kinda hard to tell, but if you got alcohol in your juice,it is disgusting. i don't want you to get that confused with people who are using alcoholinhalers. you know when you go to bars, here's a picture of one. and in those people areusing those to get drunk, so i don't want
that in my ej-uice and neither should's an easy one for you, caffeine and vitamins, one word. its big word day here on the vapechannel placebo. it does absolutely nothing, you ever go the doctor and they give you apill and you feel better and it was just a sugar pill. that’s basically what it is.i tried the caffeine juice i don't get a buzz , i don't get any energy out of it. someonemight disagree with me but with my experience is bull**it. you ready for the big one, letsget your pens and pencils out, because this one there will be a test. one more i wantto over. it has huge words in it. whole tobacco alkaloids. what does that mean? basicallywhole tobacco alkaloids takes an actual leaf, i think but don’t quote me on this . frommy recollection, they soak it in propylene
glycol and they take all the little alkaloidsfrom the leaf fall down in there and they use that silt from the bottom to put it inthere juice. now you shouldn’t really have to worry about whole tobacco alkaloids beingin your juice as a common practice. the reason for that is that it is expensive. so if someis going to charge you $20.00 for a little tiny bottle of juice, you might want to lookinto that. whole tobacco alkaloids have tsna's tobacco specific nitrosamines, good luck editingthat in postproduction! they make your chest feel like it’s expanding. i've tried thesebefore and they actually feel a lot more like a cigarette. the problem with this is thatwhen the fda comes down and i've talked about the four major components you put in juice.that's all we want in our liquid , if you
can't do it like that with just propyleneglycol, vegetable glycerin, pharmaceutical grade nicotine and flavoring then you gotissues. this is just my opinion and this all based on safety for everyone. when the regulationscome down your going to see more articles about diacetyl, that stuff. your going toseem more stuff about wta's and whole tobacco alkaloids. you’re going to see stuff aboutalcohol in juice. your going to see stuff about come try our new juice, it’s got caffeineand it’s got , whatever. its got a bunch of bull **it. stick with the major for components, that’s what’s going to help us keep everything on the straight and narrow whenit comes to regulations time. this video is pretty important , so if you get a chanceand you have friends that vape, make sure
you share this with your friend, someone thatis into vaping. we want to help as many people we can . get them to share it with their friends.l lets keep everybody safe. i'm joel, this has been the vape channel. subscribe to uson youtube, like us at vape escapes fb page , make sure you like on yelp, plus 1 on googleplus. if you have any questions leave them right down below. if your have any questionsyou want us to cover in a future episode leave them in the comments or leave a comment onfb. until next time, i'm joel make sure you keep it safe, keep it real and your keep itreal fresh.